
日23 月Jan 年2023


灵飞飞 Ling Fei Fei

Explore the world of Ling in this Fly for Fun version. Party with your friends, fight monsters, level up! Get awesome equipment from monster drops, participate in duels and competitions! Just fly around and enjoy the view! The Land of Ling is similar to the original Fly for Fun but with a few modifications. Choose from 4 Classes after level 15, and then choose from 2 additional classes at level 60 and level 140! Lots of classes that were removed from the original Fly for Fun! Also includes a Quest system, Housing, Guilds, Messenger, Pets, and Elemental upgrading system.

Register and Download

灵飞飞 runs on Windows, but should also work with WINE after some configuration. Uses DirectX9. Register an account and download the client. For more information, screenshots, wallpaper, rankings, guild seige records, and more, visit linglin.art.




Move - WASD
Jump - Spacebar
Walk/run - X
Attack/MoveTo - LeftClick (on monster)
PlayerMenu - RightClick on other player
Messenger - E
Guild - G
Housing - Y
Chat - Enter
Quests - Q
Couple - F
Stats - H
Skills - K


  • Title Screen
  • Fashion
  • Textures
  • Music
  • Website Integration
  • Works @1920x1080 resolution

Development and Source Code

灵飞飞's source code is available here
Based on the original Fly for Fun (飞飞).